Always proud to see Yvettes selfless efforts recognized, she pushes the Envelope w/ passion and commitment. More blessings to come!

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Yvette’s comments-
Very exciting time for MTN
Tonight we are being honored for Distinguished Community Service by The Networking Gala. We are truly humbled to know our work is worthy of such a high honor. To God be the Glory for believing enough in me to fulfill his plan. Thank you Lord, I can do nothing without you!
Thank you Jewelle Simone for creating such a platform as this to recognize so many for the great things they do. Congratulations to all the honorees tonight. Special congrats to Trainer Bob of Leaks Fitness and Greg Self Evans of Kulinary Kings Catering. We are Blessed to share this night with you!!!! Thx-> #impactyourcommunities -> make a difference people!