Yvette Austin-Anderson and I are humbled to be recognized at this level. We knew we were honorees for the 2020 NJ State Governors Jefferson Awards but what an honor to win in our category among other distinguished New Jerseyans doing great things to advance the communities they serve. God gets the Glory for elevating us, expanding our territory and allowing us along with all of you to do some pretty amazing things year after year! Truly a Blessing! What we do takes a lot of time, hard work and dedication. We don’t do it for accolades, we do it to help as many as we can. But when someone takes the time to say “I see you and you’re appreciated”, it means a lot. We are vessels walking in our purpose. We are so very Blessed & thankful to be chosen by God to do what we do.
Today we were the medalist winner of FEED THE HUNGRY/HOUSE THE HOMELESS AWARD. This category recognizes individuals whose volunteer efforts address the needs of those striving to meet the basic needs of food and shelter in our community.
We didn’t get here alone. It’s because of each of you believing in us, supporting us, volunteering with us and taking this ride of serving others with us that made it possible. Together we were awarded the 2020 NJ State Governor’s Jefferson Award for Feeding the Hungry/Housing the Homeless. Congratulations everyone for a job well done!
Video Clip – https://youtu.be/TsOqha_3XgI
Ceremony – http://njgovernorsawards.com/2020ceremony/