By: Yvette Anderson
The dynamic duo is at it again. The hubby and I made our first stop this morning at Barack Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park. We had the opportunity to meet some amazing children today.
MTN was fortunate enough to partner with Freedom Region within Comcast and awarded 6 brand new bicycles, helmets and locks to students who have a positive attitude, keep their grades high, exercise good behavior, are kind, courteous and performed random acts of kindness.
Teachers were able to give the students a pedal toward completing their flower and once the flower was complete, the names went into a lottery. And today we selected the winners. It was so awesome to see their faces light up as their names were called.
The magic didn’t end there. Next stop was Summerfield Elementary in Neptune. The students were equally as awesome. We were able to award 10 more bikes, helmets and locks to students who exercised the same goals. What a site to see! To know we had a huge impact in encouraging our future leaders with a small act of kindness was the true gift of the day.
Great job students of Barack Obama and Summerfield Elementary. We salute you for all your work and comittment to Blooming into Excellence.
What we did today was uplift, inspire, encourage and plant the seed that when you work hard the rewards are great. Oh the places these students will go. And they will remember to dream big because of MTN and Comcast’s collaboration.
Let’s connect more to make these types of events possible.
